January 5, 2015
European Football Cup: Padania 12th Participant
In October we announced 11 participants for the European Football Cup. Now we can announce the 12th and last team: Padania.
Padania ended 5th in the World Football Cup in Sweden and is one of the leading teams outside FIFA. Because of that we’re very happy that we can announce this giant as the 12th participant.
The Europen Football Cup will be played in Douglas, the Isle of Man. The tournament will take place from the 13th till the 21st of June. It will be the first ever European Championship between representative teams outside FIFA.
The 12 teams: Ellan Vannin, County of Nice, Abkhazia, Nagorno Karabakh, South Ossetia, Occitania, Romani People, Franconia, Sapmi, Northern Cyprus, Szekely Land and Padania.