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FAD de Estado de São Paulo


The F.A.D (Federecão Alternativa de Desporto de Estado de São Paulo became founded in 2018. The mission of SFAA is to celebrate the culture and the people. of São Paulo towards the rest of the world.
São Paulo is one of the 26 states in Brazil and is named after Saint Paulus of Tarsus. The estimated population is 46 649 132 inhabitants and is the most populated area of Brazil today. The area was already inhabited by indigenous peoples from approximately 12,000 BC. The FAD anthem is "Hino Nacional do Brasil" and are composed by Osário Duque Estrada. F.A.D. holds 5 leagues and the current Champion is "Clube Esportivo Passense de Futebol e Cultura". Home colors: Blue or White, Blue and Yellow Away colors: Green and Yellow, Blue and Yellow, Green and White