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January 31, 2021

CONIFA Announces First-Ever Women’s World Football Cup

CONIFA are delighted to confirm that Kernow FA, Northern Cyprus, Sapmi, Cascadia, Chameria and host member Székely Land will compete in this summer’s first-ever CONIFA Women’s World Football Cup (June 23-30).

Kristóf Wenczel, CONIFA Vice-President, said: “Székely Land is very proud to host the first ever CONIFA Women’s World Football Cup. It is a huge leap in the life of CONIFA, and a milestone in the history of Székely Land.

“Despite the extraordinary times, hopefully many of you may attend and may experience the warm hospitality of the Székely people and the breathtaking landscape. We have a strong hope that the vaccination may reach our athletes by the date of the tournament and it can be held safely.”

More detailed information will be presented during and following the competition draw ceremony, which will take place today (January 31; 12.00 pm CET) and be used to split the teams into two groups of three.

Please note, there is a full reserve list of teams (Quebec, Tamil Eelam, Zanzibar, Matabeleland, and Tibet) in case any of those qualified can no longer attend the competition. This list is also dependent on each team paying its CONIFA membership fee by the deadline, and signing a tournament contract, so may be subject to change.

Further information will be released in due course but, in the meantime, CONIFA looks forward to welcoming all our qualified teams to this historic Women’s World Football Cup in Székely Land later this year.

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By Robin Toal

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